First Name
Last Name
Mailing address
Land or Property Details
Same as Mailing Address
Firstly, please tell us how you heard about us and what made you get in touch?
What type of project are you planning?
New Build
Design and Build
Tell us more about your dreams and plans for your new project
What is your budget? And please let us know if this is the construction budget only or needs to include all professional and approval fees as well. You may feel like you have to hide this, however your accuracy in telling us this helps us give you the best feedback possible about your project.
When are you looking to commence your project?
As soon as I find the right builder to work with
3-6 months time
6-12 months time
1-2 years time
Are flexible and can work around Holden Constructions
What stage are you at in your project?
Just researching and getting ideas
Want to start designing asap
Already have drawings done by a designer
Everything is finalised and wanting a quote
Already have a quote and seeking alternatives
Have you ever Built, Renovated or Extended before? If so, what type of experience did you have?
Have you spoken to any other Builder's in regards to your proposed works?
In an ideal world, your dream builder would be like this... (we love to make our clients wishes come true, so tell us what they are)
If you already have a design or drawings done, can you please upload them here, so we are able to review them with the enquiry form. Alternatively, you can send them to
[email protected]